Active Ingredient: 80 g/l Dicamba +340 g/l MCPA
Formulation : Water soluble concentrate (SL)
Packaging : 1 l, 5 L
MAGNOLIA® M is a selective systemic herbicide used as post-emergens and is used to control single and perennial broadleaf weeds in wheat. Dicamba is taken with the actively growing parts of the weeds and transported to the growth points in the whole plant and accumulates in the embryonic cells.
Method Of Application
Since it is a post-emergence herbicide, it should be applied after the emergence of weeds. In order to get the best results from MAGNOLIA® M, it should be applied when the weeds have 2-3 leaves or rosette leaves. A good coating should be applied in the application. During the application period of MAGNOLIA® M, the air temperature should be between 10 °C and 28 °C. It is not suitable for application in periods when the plant surface is wet. If it is predicted that it will rain after 4 hours, the application should not be made. During the application of the plant protection product, the wheat should be at least 3-leaf stage. The period from the 3-leaf period to tillering is the most appropriate period for application.
Miscibility: Mixing with other plant protection products is not recommended. If a mix is needed, a premix test should be performed in a separate container.